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Judge Information |
Judge Name: | Ainslie Mills | |
Location: | British Columbia, Canada | |
Kennel Name: | Oriana Perm. Reg. | |
Website: | ||
Types of Shows: | Conformation | |
Type of Breeds | Retriever (Golden) | |
CKC Judge Page | | |
Biography |
Oriana (CKC Perm. Reg.) Golden Retrievers since 1974. Ainslie has successfully participated in conformation, rally and obedience since 1974. Ainslie and her husband Barrie owned and/or bred over 60 Champions and/or Obedience Trial Champions, Group and High in Trial winners, as well as junior hunters, tracking dogs, guide dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs and avalanche rescue dogs. In 1993, Robbie, a black Labrador entered their lives, enriching it for over 14 years, educating them in the ways of Labradors and endearing them to this wonderful breed. Ainslie is a Life Member of the Canadian Kennel Club, Golden Retriever Club of Canada, the Golden Retriever Club of BC and the Golden Retriever Club of America and is also a member of the Golden Retriever Club (UK). She has held numerous offices with both the national and local Golden clubs, including GRCBC newsletter editor and, for 11 years, coordinator of the GRCBC Rescue and Adult Placement Service. She is presently Chair of the Breed Standard/Judges Education Committee for the GRCC and chaired the Judge's Education Committee for the Golden Retriever Club of America from 2004-2019. She has served three terms on the CKC Breed Standard Committee, serving as Chair for one term. For eight years in the 1990s, Ainslie hosted and produced All About Pets, a monthly, live, one-hour program for Rogers Community TV, sponsored by the Western Federation of Individuals and Dog Organizations (FIDO). She is a former Board Member and volunteer with the B.C. Branch of Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind and is a founder of the Sporting Dog Spectacular weekend in British Columbia. Ainslie applied to judge conformation in 1991 and is now a CKC approved all-breed judge. She has had the privilege of judging throughout Canada and the United States, multiple times in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Argentina, Scotland and Indonesia. Ainslie has judged a number of Sporting, Hound, Working and Herding specialties, including ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) specialty shows, and sighthound show and go events, which combine coursing and conformation. She was very honoured to judge at the Golden Retriever Club of Canada National Specialty in 1998, 2002 and 2016. In 2004, she judged a record entry of 432 Goldens at the Australian Golden Retriever National Specialty and assessed well over 300 bitches at each of the 2004 and 2021 Golden Retriever Club of American National Specialties. She judged females at the 2018 GRC of Scotland championship show at the Guisachan Gathering, celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the breed. She judged the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Canada National Specialty in 2009 and the Golden Retriever Club of Indonesia National in 2012. Ainslie attended the week-long AKC Judge's Institute in 1992 and regularly attends Judge's Education programs. She is an approved CCA evaluator, tutor and presenter for the Golden Retriever Club of America and has presented Golden Retriever seminars in Canada, the USA, Australia, Indonesia and Japan. She is a member of the CDJA and Metro Vancouver Dog Judge's Association. |
Future Assignments |
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Featured Dogs
Dog Name | GChB Zesta Shiver Me Timbur | |
Owner | Terryn Kuzyk | |
Breed | Shetland Sheepdog | |
Overall Rank | 322 | |
Group Rank | 50 | |
Breed Rank | 6 |
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The Canadian Kennel Club- The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 187 breeds.
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- Considering purchasing a purebred dog? The Puppy List is an easy-to-use searchable database that includes contact information for CKC Member Breeders.
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- Adding a new member to your family can be an exciting and patience-trying experience. Before contacting potential breeders, visit CKC’s Finding an Accountable Breeder page for a list of key tips to help you find the right breeder for you.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog stats for 1988 - 2007 plus Terriers up to 2017.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog Single Year Show Dog Records
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- Contact the CDJA to offer Ringside Mentoring & Breed Presentations
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- A Canada wide initiative by dedicated enthusiasts, designed to promote the benefits of purebred dog ownership.
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