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Judge Information
Judge Name: Gerardo Paolucci
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kennel Name:
Types of Shows: Conformation
Type of Breeds

Judge approved by the AKC as Foreign All Breeds Judge for all groups and BIS License: 46499I work for the National Government as Animal Welfare Consultant and CEO in Responsible Pets ownershipprograms since 2013-2018

President of the Judges Board FCA for 7 years (2015 /2022)

Breeder, expositor, handler/groomer (with more than 280 championships by my own hand, executive andjudge in different events of the FCA, for more than 50 years up to date.

Delegate at Judges & Shows Commissions, F.C.I

Grooming Judge FCA. (Judging FCI International Grooming Dog World Contest 2022)

Judge Specialist in Sporting breeds, Afghans, Schnauzers, Bearded Collies, OES, Neapolitan Mastiff, Labradors, Chihuahuas and many other breeds. My upbringing in canine topics was both in my country and in foreign countries. I represented Argentina successfully around the world, achieving the first Best in Group in the USA.

I am a recognized breeder of English Setters, Old English Sheepdogs and Miniature Schnauzers, with theKennel name "B.I.S". I bred many champions and had at least one World Champion in each of the breeds ofmy kennel.

My dogs obtained four times the TOP DOG all breeds ranking in Argentina and foreign countries, winningBIS even in USA. In the three breeds my dogs were many times Best of Breed in the year and Best of Group,getting many BIS.

I breed Miniature Schnauzers and Cairn Terriers and my dogs are #1 in my country.

Top Dog All breeds 2015 with a Cairn Terrier World record breaker.

My latest Schnauzer breeding won B.O.B at Westminster Kennel Club, 2018

"I consider myself as a true dog people and I gave all my life to the dog world with 50 years of activity back-to-back"
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