Fraser Valley Dog Fanciers
Saturday, October 6, 2018 - Obedience Trial 1

Related Results

Results courtesy of:

-- Shirley North --
CH GMOTCH Lions' Pride of Makaila WC CGN
Owner/Trainer: Shirley North

High In Trial
Judge: Bill Blair
Poodle (Miniature)  
GMOTCh Belcourt Cool Dude / Lee Kozicki

Pre-Novice - Bill Blair
Ch Zirkcreek Bound To You v BAAR
 Rottweiler  Hedy Rankin N/A

Novice A - Bill Blair
No Qualifiers

Novice B - Bill Blair
Advocate Meet Me In The Garden
 Schnauzer (Miniature)  Sherrill Smith 191.0
Guardian's Blaze
 German Shepherd Dog  Melissa Major 182.0

Novice Intermediate - Bill Blair
Rio's Kurios Cirque DuSoleil
 Retriever (Golden)  Kelsi Warawa 182.0

Open HA - Bill Blair
No Qualifiers

Open 18A - Bill Blair
No Qualifiers

Open HB - Bill Blair
GMOTCh Belcourt Cool Dude
 Poodle (Miniature)  Lee Kozicki 197.5

Open 18B - Bill Blair
GMOTCh Heads Up Teknical Knockout
 Retriever (Golden)  Keltie Lang 198.0
MOTCh Ravengold Becket of Tashora
 Retriever (Golden)  Jo-Anne Heinze 197.5

Utility A - Bill Blair
No Qualifiers

Utility B - Bill Blair
GMOTCh Belcourt Cool Dude
 Poodle (Miniature)  Lee Kozicki 198.5
GMOTCh Spirit's Dashing Son Of Zoom
 Retriever (Golden)  Ward Falkner 197.0
Ch GMOTCh Lions' Pride Of Makaila
 Retriever (Labrador)  Shirley North 195.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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