EVENT INFORMATION | << Return To Previous Page |
Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC September 16, 2021 - September 19, 2021 Chilliwack, BC (Indoors) | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Description: 4 All Breed Shows
Address: Chilliwack Heritage Park, 44140 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC V2R 4A7
Closing Date: Friday, September 03, 2021 @ 12:00 midnight (Pacific)
Related Results
Thursday, September 16
Friday, September 17
Saturday, September 18
Sunday, September 19
Conformation - Karen Day (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Conformation - Ainslie Mills (British Columbia, Canada)
Conformation - Glen Stark (Ontario, Canada)
Conformation - Edna St Hilaire (British Columbia, Canada)
Conformation - Patricia Taylor (Manitoba, Canada)
Conformation - Ben Wasylyshen (Manitoba, Canada)
Sep 16, 2021 Sep 17, 2021 Sep 18, 2021 Sep 19, 2021 Bests Ainslie Mills Patricia Taylor Glen Stark Ben Wasylyshen Group 1
Group Level
Ainslie Mills
Ainslie Mills
Braque d'Auvergne
Braque Francais
Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
Kleiner Munsterlander
Lagotto Romagnolo
Pointer (German Long-Haired)
Pointer (German Short-Haired)
Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
Retriever (Curly-Coated)
Retriever (Flat-Coated)
Retriever (Labrador)
Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
Setter (English)
Setter (Gordon)
Setter (Irish Red & White)
Setter (Irish)
Spaniel (American Cocker)
Spaniel (American Water)
Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
Spaniel (Brittany)
Spaniel (Clumber)
Spaniel (English Cocker)
Spaniel (English Springer)
Spaniel (Field)
Spaniel (French)
Spaniel (Irish Water)
Spaniel (Sussex)
Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Spinone Italiano
Vizsla (Smooth)
Vizsla (Wire-Haired)
Edna St Hilaire
Retriever (Golden)Glen Stark Ben Wasylyshen Patricia Taylor Group 2 Karen Day Ben Wasylyshen Patricia Taylor Glen Stark Group 3 Karen Day Patricia Taylor Glen Stark Ben Wasylyshen Group 4 Edna St Hilaire Patricia Taylor Glen Stark Ben Wasylyshen Group 5 Edna St Hilaire
Group Level
Patricia Taylor
Karen Day
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
Chihuahua (Short Coat)
Patricia Taylor
American Eskimo Dog (Toy)
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Chinese Crested Dog
Coton De Tulear
English Toy Spaniel
Griffon (Brussels)
Italian Greyhound
Japanese Chin
Miniature Pinscher
Poodle (Toy)
Russkiy Toy
Silky Terrier
Toy Fox Terrier
Toy Manchester Terrier
Xoloitzcuintli (Toy)
Yorkshire TerrierBen Wasylyshen Glen Stark Group 6 Ainslie Mills Karen Day Glen Stark Patricia Taylor Group 7 Ainslie Mills Karen Day Patricia Taylor Glen Stark
Forms & Links
Premium List
Parking and Grooming Space Reservations
COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination
Judging Schedule
Show Secretary
BC Dog Show Services Ltd.
151 - 10090 152nd Street, Box #504
Surrey BC V3R 8X8
Phone: 604-290-6457
Email: showsecretary@bcdogshowservicesltd.ca
Website: http://www.bcdogshowservicesltd.ca/
Related Specialties
Chihuahua Club of BC - Specialty Show for Chihuahuas (Long and Short Coat)
Related Events
Golden Retriever Club of BC - 4 CKC Obedience Trials / 4 Rally Obedience Trials
Additional Notes
Junior Handling (2)
Saturday and Sunday. Register at the show secretaries table. Entry deadline is one hour before the start of the event. Judges: TBA.
Owner-Handled Competition (3)
Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Exhibitors must declare their dog Owner Handled Competition eligible at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form (either paper or electronic). Professional handlers, household members and current assistants to professional handlers are ineligible to enter.
RV Parking
Overnight RV Parking in the front of the Heritage Park Buildings can be reserved using the Parking & Grooming Space link. There are a limitednumber of power spaces available at $160/night in the North RV area; $200/night in the East RV area; or Dry Camping in the NW RV area for $25 per night. Cost include GST. There will be no power spots available without reservation.
Grooming Space
3 options for grooming space:
1) Ringside Set-up in marked space no earlier than 15 minutes prior to your breed judging and must vacate within 10 minutes of breed completion. There is no fee. Crates only, no chairs.
2) Day Grooming (over 1700 sq ft) at North end of Hall 1. Welcome to bring your crate, table, chair and set up for the day only. There is no power available. There is no fee. All items remaining in the space after BIS will be considered abandoned and treated accordingly.
3) Reserved Grooming Space Shared Power. Booking available using the Parking & Grooming Space link. Limited amount available. Note: Dogs may not be left in the building past closing time.
** Dedicated Power is not available due to the very high cost required by the service contractor.
Proof of Vaccination Process
We will appreciate your consideration and ask that you prep your records accordingly. We also ask for your patience during check in. We will try and be as efficient as possible and we will welcome more volunteers as the clubs will need some help at times.
Our process is simple:
1. We verify vaccination record against a photo ID.
2. We record your attendance (for contact tracing purposes — we will have an exhibitor listing but not everyone is an owner and not every owner attends).
3. Your wristband is issued. It is waterproof. We will replace it, if you return the old one.
4. Wear the wrist band and everything should proceed smoothly for you.
Event Map
Address: Chilliwack Heritage Park, 44140 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC V2R 4A7
Disclamer: Map may not display exact location. Use event address to confirm your destination.
Featured Dogs
Dog Name | GCh Avitar's Smoking Hot Jazz | |
Owner | Beverly Biren | |
Handler | Beverly Biren | |
Breed | Otterhound | |
Overall Rank | 372 | |
Group Rank | 55 | |
Breed Rank | 3 |
Featured Links
The Canadian Kennel Club- The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 187 breeds.
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- Considering purchasing a purebred dog? The Puppy List is an easy-to-use searchable database that includes contact information for CKC Member Breeders.
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- Adding a new member to your family can be an exciting and patience-trying experience. Before contacting potential breeders, visit CKC’s Finding an Accountable Breeder page for a list of key tips to help you find the right breeder for you.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog stats for 1988 - 2007 plus Terriers up to 2017.
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- Barry Truax's Top Dog Single Year Show Dog Records
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- Contact the CDJA to offer Ringside Mentoring & Breed Presentations
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- The Owner Handler standings are strictly reserved for dogs handled solely by their non-professional owner of record throughout the entire show year.
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Did you know
- So far today Canuck Dogs has had 37,328 visitors.
- Canuck Dogs receives on average 130,040 visitors a day.
- Last month Canuck Dogs received 7,786,258 visitors.
- Since March 26, 2010, Canuck Dogs received 704,427,460 visitors.