EVENT INFORMATION << Return To Previous Page

Pacific Kennel Club
October 28, 2021 - October 31, 2021
Langley, BC (Indoors)


Description: 4 All Breed Shows
Address: Thunderbird Show Park, 24550 72 Ave, Langley, BC V1M 3W8

Closing Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021  @ 9:00 p.m. (Pacific)

Related Results

Thursday, October 28
Friday, October 29
Saturday, October 30
Sunday, October 31

  • Conformation - Catherine Barlow (Alberta, Canada)
    Conformation - Stephen Dainard (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Stewart Dankner (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Kathrine Grant (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Shawn Nichols (British Columbia, Canada)
    Conformation - Judith Taylor (Ontario, Canada)
    Conformation - Valerie Ramsay (British Columbia, Canada)
    Sweepstakes - Keri Campbell (British Columbia, Canada)
    Sweepstakes - Lynne Rehsler (British Columbia, Canada)

  •  Oct 28, 2021
    Oct 29, 2021
    Oct 30, 2021
    Oct 31, 2021
    Bests Kathrine GrantStephen DainardStewart DanknerJudith Taylor
    Group 1

    Group Level
    Catherine Barlow

    Catherine Barlow
    Braque d'Auvergne
    Braque Francais
    Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
    Kleiner Munsterlander
    Lagotto Romagnolo
    Retriever (Labrador)
    Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
    Spaniel (American Water)
    Spaniel (Clumber)
    Spaniel (English Springer)
    Spaniel (Field)
    Spaniel (French)
    Spaniel (Irish Water)
    Spaniel (Sussex)
    Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
    Spinone Italiano
    Vizsla (Smooth)
    Vizsla (Wire-Haired)

    Valerie Ramsay
    Pointer (German Long-Haired)
    Pointer (German Short-Haired)
    Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
    Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
    Retriever (Curly-Coated)
    Retriever (Flat-Coated)
    Retriever (Golden)
    Setter (English)
    Setter (Gordon)
    Setter (Irish Red & White)
    Setter (Irish)
    Spaniel (American Cocker)
    Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
    Spaniel (Brittany)
    Spaniel (English Cocker)
    Stephen DainardStewart Dankner

    Group Level
    Shawn Nichols

    Judith Taylor
    Griffon (Wire-Haired Pointing)
    Lagotto Romagnolo
    Pointer (German Short-Haired)
    Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
    Retriever (Flat-Coated)
    Vizsla (Smooth)
    Vizsla (Wire-Haired)

    Shawn Nichols
    Braque d'Auvergne
    Braque Francais
    Kleiner Munsterlander
    Pointer (German Long-Haired)
    Pointer (German Wire-Haired)
    Retriever (Curly-Coated)
    Retriever (Golden)
    Retriever (Labrador)
    Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
    Setter (English)
    Setter (Gordon)
    Setter (Irish Red & White)
    Setter (Irish)
    Spaniel (American Cocker)
    Spaniel (American Water)
    Spaniel (Blue Picardy)
    Spaniel (Brittany)
    Spaniel (Clumber)
    Spaniel (English Cocker)
    Spaniel (English Springer)
    Spaniel (Field)
    Spaniel (French)
    Spaniel (Irish Water)
    Spaniel (Sussex)
    Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
    Spinone Italiano
    Group 2 Stephen DainardKathrine GrantStewart DanknerShawn Nichols
    Group 3 Stephen DainardKathrine GrantJudith TaylorStewart Dankner
    Group 4 Stephen DainardKathrine GrantShawn NicholsJudith Taylor
    Group 5 Catherine Barlow

    Group Level
    Stephen Dainard

    Kathrine Grant
    Chihuahua (Long Coat)
    Chihuahua (Short Coat)
    Chinese Crested Dog
    Italian Greyhound
    Miniature Pinscher
    Silky Terrier
    Yorkshire Terrier

    Stephen Dainard
    American Eskimo Dog (Toy)
    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    Coton De Tulear
    English Toy Spaniel
    Griffon (Brussels)
    Japanese Chin
    Poodle (Toy)
    Russkiy Toy
    Toy Fox Terrier
    Toy Manchester Terrier
    Xoloitzcuintli (Toy)
    Shawn NicholsJudith Taylor
    Group 6 Kathrine GrantStephen DainardShawn NicholsStewart Dankner
    Group 7 Kathrine GrantStewart DanknerJudith TaylorShawn Nichols

Forms & Links

Premium List
Entry Form
COVID-19 Event Protocols
Site Map
Judging Schedule

Show Secretary

Classic Show Services
P.O. Box 100
Fort Langley, BC V1M 2R4
Phone: 604-845-9510
Email: sandik@classicshowservices.ca
Website: http://www.classicshowservices.ca

Additional Notes
Junior Handling
Sunday at 12:00 noon. Entries will be accepted at the show secretary's desk up to 11:00 am on Sunday with no exceptions. Entry fee: none . Judge: Keri Campbell.


RV Parking
RV spaces are available with full hookups - P4 = $220 must be booked for the entire time and may stay over on Sunday night. Please email RV requests with size of unit to Pacific Kennel Club – pacifickc@shaw.ca   Put RV REQUEST in the subject line

Sandman Signature Langley Hotel.................... 8828 201 Street, Langley | Phone: (604) 455-7263
Sandman Hotel Langley.............................. 8855 202nd Street, Langley | Phone:(604) 888-7263
Sandman Hotel Abbotsford Airport................... 3010 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford | Phone: 604-859-7263

Mention "The Thunderbird Rate" at any of these properties to take advance of their preferred pricing.

Grooming Space
1. Grooming Space - Indoor Show Building (concrete floor area)
Spaces are 10 x 10 = $100/space for the entire weekend. Ex pens are allowed. Dogs and equipment may be left overnight as there will be security on site.

2. Grooming Space - Stalls (concrete floor)
Stalls are 10x10 = $100/stall for the entire weekend - not connected to the show building butclose by. Equipment may be left overnight but no dogs allowed overnight in stalls.

Please email Grooming Space requests to Pacific Kennel Club - pacifickc@shaw.ca   Put 'Grooming Space Request' in the subject line.

Halloween Costume Contest
Register at show secretary table between 10:30 and 11:30 am on Sunday, October 31st.

Judge Overloads
The following changes are in place for Friday and Sunday due to judge overloads:
1. Friday - Toy Group: Kathrine Grant will judge Affenpinschers, Chihuahuas (LC and SC), Chinese Cresteds, Italian Greyhounds, Miniature Pinschers, Pugs, Silky Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers
1. Sunday - Sporting Group: Judith Taylor will judge Griffon (WHP), Lagotto Romagnolo, Pointers, Pointer (GSH), Retriever (Chesapeake Bay), Retriever (Flat-Coated), Vizsla (Smooth Haired), Vizsla (Wire-Haired)

Event Map
Address: Thunderbird Show Park, 24550 72 Ave, Langley, BC V1M 3W8
Disclamer: Map may not display exact location. Use event address to confirm your destination.

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