Battle River Canine Association
Friday, October 22, 2021 - Rally Trial-2

Related Results

Results courtesy of:

-- Michelle Whistlecraft --
Wolffman's Kosmic Lunar Karma AGNS, AGNJS
MHIT, CH MOTCH AGMCHS Wathaman's Xtremely Xplosive Am UD, Am/Can RE, Am/Can HT, DD, AGIs, AGIJs, OAP, NAJP, PADNs, NFP, CS, CI, CS-T, HIC
CH Wathaman's YouOttaB N Pictures
MHIT, CH, MOTCH & AGMCHV Wathaman's Trainwrek O Trouble Am UD, TD, Am/Can HT, PT, HSS, HSAS, RE, Am RAE, NAP, NAJP, VER, PADN, HIC, CGN, TT
MHIT, CH & GMOTCH Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas Am UD, Am HT, Am/Can RE, AGXV, AGXJV, OAP, OAJP, VER, PADIV, NFP, HIC, CGN, TT
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft

Novice A - Janice Leach
Baywood OpportunityKnox
 Portuguese Water Dog  Marj Tory 97.0
Hogan (4029761)
 Mixed Breed  Stuart Michaela 95.0
GCh Kai Den Southern Belle @ Tri-Ever Amen
 Retriever (Labrador)  Shannon Morin 83.0

Novice B - Janice Leach
Omniscient Shades Of Ares
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Erica Robb 99.0
Harmonys Starlight Starbright
 Retriever (Golden)  Nicole Mcilwrick 98.0
Ch Robban's Last Bean N The Maplemor Pod V Nighthawk
 Rottweiler  Debbie Haynes 96.0
Ch Wiretap Zinging In The Rain
 Dachshund (Standard Wire-Haired)  Sarah-Jane Petti 91.0
Dalbeattie's Just You Wait Joe
 Cairn Terrier  Margaret Pringle 87.0
GCh Cassels Chillin On The Moon
 Doberman Pinscher  Tara Bryant 81.0
Ch Malhaven Just Dance To The Music In Your Soul
 Pointer (German Short-Haired)  Karen Ibbitson 79.0

Intermediate - Janice Leach
Ch Eternalfire's Do It For Johnny
 Rottweiler  April Berukoff 98.0
Ch Bolder's Special Addition
 Bullmastiff  Marilyn Blanchette 96.0
Oakley (4053417)
 Mixed Breed  Sienna Kellington 95.0
Harmony's Bon Appetit
 Retriever (Golden)  Julia & Brian Jackson 94.0
Glaswire's Royal Smudge
 Fox Terrier (Wire)  Avis Pool 89.0
Ch Arcticsun's Frozen Yukon
 Siberian Husky  Kendra Tkach 89.0
Kathy Di Caresi Nice
 Doberman Pinscher  Twyla Taylor 79.0

Advanced A - Janice Leach
Ch Bimberg's Egomaniac At Furioso
 Boxer  Lee Simants 100.0
GCh Canzas Sparkling Rosie
 Retriever (Golden)  Karen Mella 97.0
Ch Casselcreek Love It Or List It
 Australian Shepherd  Theresa Casselman 95.0

Advanced B - Janice Leach
MOTCh Hi-Star's It's All About Teal
 Retriever (Golden)  Pauline Baldwin 100.0
Riverwild's Spellbound
 Australian Cattle Dog  Vanessa Downing 100.0
Ladymagic Topflite Windcatcher
 Papillon  Margaret Zacher 100.0
MOTCh Mia v Falkenhein
 German Shepherd Dog  Danaka Mildenberger 95.0

Excellent A - Janice Leach
Ch Zealous Licorice Twist
 Border Terrier  Nancy Lee 100.0
Ch Bodacious Chock Full Of Sugar
 Border Terrier  Nancy Lee 80.0

Excellent B - Janice Leach
Ch Riverwild's Gone Walkabout
 Australian Cattle Dog  Vanessa Downing 90.0
GCh NitroBerner's Coco Chanel
 Bernese Mountain Dog  Denise Newlove 86.0
Ch Baywood Echo Waves Reflected
 Portuguese Water Dog  Patricia Belliveau 80.0
Ladymagic Topflite Windcatcher
 Papillon  Margaret Zacher 80.0
Ch Luchan's No Cook'n The Books
 Retriever (Golden)  Laurie Wilkinson 80.0
MOTCh Mia v Falkenhein
 German Shepherd Dog  Danaka Mildenberger 70.0

Master - Janice Leach
Zealous Goelitz Mini Jellybean
 Border Terrier  Nancy Lee 100.0
Ch Wathamans Dare2demand Applause
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 98.0

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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