Battle River Canine Association
Saturday, March 22, 2014 - Obedience Trial 2

Related Results

Results courtesy of:

-- Michelle Whistlecraft --
(Left to right)  Duke DD, HT, CS, CST, CI, HIC
MHIT, Ch & GMotch Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas Am UD, Am/Can RE, AGNJV, Am HT, TT, CGN, HIC
MHIT, Ch & Motch Wathaman's Trainwrek O Trouble Am UD, TD, Am/Can HT, PT, HS, HSAs, AGXV, AGXJV, NAP, NJP, Am/Can RE, TT, CGN, HIC
MHIT, Ch & Motch Wathaman's Roc To A Rebel Yell TDX, DD, HT, CS, RAE, Am RE, Am CD, TT, CGN, HIC
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft
High In Trial
Judge: Kent Delaney
Retriever (Golden)  
Ch GMOTCh Zaniri's Piece By Piece / Leanne Tucker

Pre-Novice - Kent Delaney
Kilshans Radar Roeder
 Toy Fox Terrier  Sharon Hager N/A
Rainkist Marcus Aurelius
 Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)  Krista Wendland N/A

Novice A - Kent Delaney
Synecdocke's Symphony Allegro
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Marilee Irwin 196.0
Ch Tamaron's Deal Or No Deal
 Collie (Smooth)  Kelly Anthony & Trudy Taphorn 193.5

Novice B - Kent Delaney
Kavon's Ring Of Fire
 Australian Shepherd  Kathleen Conway 197.5
Ch Wynzall Harvey Wallbanger
 Griffon (Brussels)  Colleen MacLachlan 195.5
Jparis Poodles Archie
 Poodle (Standard)  Karen Bentley 194.5

Novice C - Kent Delaney
Cowboy Up's Tanz
 Spaniel (American Cocker)  Stephanie Mikkelsen 193.0

Open A - Kent Delaney
Lookquest Leap At The Chance
 Australian Shepherd  Daryl Byington & Gina Stetsko 198.0
Tanash's Celebrity Status
 Spaniel (English Springer)  Amber Levy 197.0
Ch Baywood Sask River Mission
 Portuguese Water Dog  Brenda Brown 193.5
Agassiz's Mighty Brooke
 Australian Cattle Dog  Vanessa Downing 190.5

Open B - James Ham
Ch GMOTCh Zaniri's Piece By Piece
 Retriever (Golden)  Leanne Tucker 198.5
Spirit's River City Remedy
 Retriever (Golden)  Sandy Headrick 198.5
OTCh Basquelaine Blackcomb's Spicy Shiraz
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Erica Robb 197.5
MOTCh AGMCh Ladylin's Keisha Kiss
 Shiba Inu  Linda Humeniuk 197.0
MOTCh Tavendale's Deeogie
 Shetland Sheepdog  Connie Anderson 197.0
Levenland's Simply Irrisistable
 Poodle (Miniature)  Heather Box 196.5
Bar L Tip
 Border Collie  Hans Horst 195.0
Ch GMOTCh Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 194.0
Sundream's Eyes On Me
 Australian Shepherd  Marianne Jerry 191.5

Utility A - Kent Delaney
No Qualifiers

Utility B - James Ham
Ch GMOTCh Zaniri's Piece By Piece
 Retriever (Golden)  Leanne Tucker 198.5
OTCh Basquelaine Blackcomb's Spicy Shiraz
 Belgian Shepherd Dog  Erica Robb 196.5
MOTCh Tavendale's Deeogie
 Shetland Sheepdog  Connie Anderson 195.0
Ch GMOTCh Wathaman's Vandalizing Vegas
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 194.0
MOTCh AGMCh Ladylin's Keisha Kiss
 Shiba Inu  Linda Humeniuk 192.5
Spirit's River City Remedy
 Retriever (Golden)  Sandy Headrick 191.0
MOTCh Wynwoods Rising Son
 Retriever (Golden)  Peter & Rose Tomicic 190.0

Veterans - Kent Delaney
Ch OTCh Kandansk Lucky Charmed One
 Poodle (Standard)  Mogens Albrecht 196.5
Ch MOTCh Wathaman's Trainwrek O Trouble
 Rottweiler  Michelle Whistlecraft 193.5

Disclaimer: These are not official CKC results. If you spot any incorrect results, please visit Results Correction Page. We rely on the goodwill of volunteers to provide us with results and mistakes are corrected as soon as we receive them. For official results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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