Conformation [Groups]

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Last Updated: January 5, 2025 AT 10:01:05 Atlantic Time


Type of Point Standings Year Display Group  

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Picture Rank Last Month Breed Dog Name BIS RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 Points
1 2 Collie (Rough) GChG Tallywood Coalescence(M) 4 4 16 7 4 2 3083
2 1 Finnish Lapphund GChG MapleMyst's Sledding Under A Pine Sky(F) 3 5 28 12 11 4 3071
3 3 Miniature American Shepherd GChG Picasso's Hocus Pocus Is My Daddy(F) 2 0 14 13 11 5 2044
4 5 Old English Sheepdog GChG Bagatelle Set The Moon On Fire(M) 3 1 12 10 1 2 1881
5 4 Berger Picard GChB Solo's Bayou Le Vacher(M) 3 1 18 15 2 1 1825
6 6 Collie (Smooth) GChS Feoras & Caradilis Rising Fortune(F) 3 1 11 9 6 7 1653
7 7 Australian Shepherd GChS Northbay Xsell's Tommy Bahama(M) 1 0 15 4 7 5 1515
8 10 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) GChS Puddleduck SD&DP This Lil Piggy Flew 2 Cross(M) 4 1 7 8 7 2 1254
9 13 Beauceron GChS Birdwing Seize The Battle At Amarantine(F) 1 2 9 11 5 5 992
10 16 Australian Shepherd GChEx Vulcan's Bleue At Bayouland(F) 1 2 8 17 2 2 940
11 8 Schapendoes GChS Messyhair's Harry Belafonte Debruyeres(M) 0 2 3 5 5 7 931
12 9 German Shepherd Dog GChG Lacomtesse Ritchie Gecko(M) 1 0 3 7 4 3 832
13 12 German Shepherd Dog GChEx Kenlyn-Marquis's Genie In A Bottle Sevenhills(F) 1 3 9 5 0 0 828
14 11 Bearded Collie GChS Dreamchaser's You Had Me At Hello(F) 1 0 2 7 4 3 772
15 15 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) GCh Loveshine China I Was Around(M) 0 1 6 4 4 6 690
Picture Rank Last Month Breed Dog Name BIS RBIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 Points
16 14 Shetland Sheepdog GCh Lynphil Persona(M) 0 2 2 1 1 1 616
17 18 Bouvier des Flandres GChS IB'lieve's Uptown Girl(F) 0 1 3 7 2 4 605
18 22 Bouvier des Flandres GChB Quiche's Vintage Year(M) 2 0 6 4 3 1 557
19 19 German Shepherd Dog GChB Quymera's Awakening(M) 2 0 4 4 2 1 525
20 20 Belgian Shepherd Dog GChB Nicha Cha-Ho Le Mix Parfait(F) 2 0 2 1 0 1 513
21 17 Old English Sheepdog GChB Woolkin's Hello World(M) 1 0 5 5 1 0 479
22 48 Australian Shepherd GChB Kiji I'll Have What She's Having(F) 0 1 2 5 2 2 475
23 21 Australian Cattle Dog GChB WNR Dine Aways Holy Basil(M) 0 1 1 0 5 1 427
24 23 Swedish Vallhund GChEx Vastgota Canadian Giiwedin LT(M) 1 1 5 3 2 2 424
25 37 Old English Sheepdog GChB Valubal Keeping Up Appearances(F) 0 0 9 2 3 2 421
The ShowTime Stats Conformation rankings are based on Breed, Group, Specialty Best of Breed & Specialty Group wins at Canadian Kennel Club shows and are not an official CKC record of points or wins. The system is unique to Canuck Dogs. The Dogs Defeated points are calculated in two phases. The initial points are based on the published judging schedule and absentees are not deducted, nor are all-breed Best of Breed wins included in the point total. Once volunteers submit breed results, the standings are updated to include the Best of Breed wins and absentees. For official CKC results, contact the Canadian Kennel Club.

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