Judge Information
Judge Name: Chan Weng Woh
Location: Ipoh Perak, Malaysia
Kennel Name:
Types of Shows: Conformation
Type of Breeds
Mr. Chan Weng Woh was the President of the Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA) for 2 terms. He has participated actively in the running of MKA: as a director in 1994-2009, as a Secretary of Perak Branch for 18 years and as a qualified Examiner for MKA judges Training Scheme.

Mr. Chan Weng Woh was also a delegate of the AKU conference and also serves in the Committee for AKU Judging Manual and he was also the Chairman of the Judges and Steward Committee.

Mr. Chan Weng Woh has shown or bred Pekingese, Pomeranian, Miniature Pinscher, Pug, Miniature Poodle, Whippet, Toy Poodle, Lhasa Apso and Smooth Fox Terrier. He has shown many Champions and BIS winners. Mr. Chan Weng Woh is a licensed All Breed Judge of the MKA, AKU and FCI.

He has judged at various dog shows all around the world.
Future Assignments

Battle River Canine Association - October 25, 2024
Past Assignments

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