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Judge Information
Judge Name: Elizabet Caminade-Lavault
Location: England, UK
Kennel Name:
Types of Shows: Conformation,Conformation
Type of Breeds
Elizabet was born in London, England. Her parents immigrated in 1972 and she grew up in Zimbabwe amongst a household of Briards, Griffons and Pomeranians. Her earliest association with dog showing as through Junior Handling and She handled numerous breeds to Championship status. She started Ring Stewarding at 16 years of age and secured her first judging assignment in 1994. Her judging qualifications were earned in Zimbabwe and South Africa and is now an All Breeds judge. She has since moved to England. She has judged at National and International Shows in Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Ireland, Thailand, Norway, France, Denmark, Lebanon and Malta.
Future Assignments
Past Assignments

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